Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
11/9/2023 - 5:30 PM  
For Information: 2024-2025 Middle School Program Guide and High School Program of Studies  
ACPS Division Objective :
Goal 1
Thriving Students
File Attachment:
Middle School Program Guide

Our Middle School Program Guide provides a general overview of the county's middle school program.

The current Middle School Program Guide can be accessed here:

For the 2024-2025 School Year there will be no programming changes to the Middle School Program Guide.

High School Program of Studies

Our High School Program of Studies is designed to assist students and families with course selections and long-term educational and career planning.

The current High School Program of Studies can be accessed here:

For the 2024-2025 School Year there will be four programming additions to the High School Program of Studies.

AP 3-D Art and Design
This course is designed for students with a professional or academic interest in three-dimensional art. This course focuses on a variety of concepts and approaches in 3-D design and creation, enabling students to demonstrate a range of abilities and versatility with media, technique, problem solving, and scope. They can demonstrate such conceptual variety through the use of one or several media. Students refine their skills and create artistic works that can be submitted via portfolio to the College Board for evaluation.

PVCC Math 167
This course presents topics in power, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, systems of equations, trigonometry, and trigonometric applications, including Law of Sines and Cosines, and an introduction to conics (5 credits).

Spanish for Fluent Speakers
This course will support our growing number of Spanish speaking students in high school who have achieved fluency (either through the dual language program or as heritage or native speakers) and want to continue their study of Spanish. Students may choose to take this class before or after AP Spanish coursework. The focus of this class will be on practical applications of Spanish within the Albemarle County community, including partnerships for work-based learning and information around interpretation and translation credentialing, as well as building academic vocabulary in Spanish for students, including specific terminology related to future career and college pathways.

Graphic Design courses emphasize applying fundamental processes of artistic expression through the exploration of the purposeful arrangement of images, symbols, and text to communicate a message. These courses incorporate technology for both the creation of student work and in study of the historical and contemporary influence on visual communications design. These courses also allow students to explore the process of responding to their own art and that of others including master designers through analysis, critique, and interpretation for the purpose of reflecting on and refining work.
Receive for information on 10.12.2023 and approval on 10.26.2023.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jay Thomas - Director of Secondary Education
Signed By:  
Chandra Hayes - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:  
Dr. Matthew Haas - Superintendent